Fundraising Coach News
News about how nonprofits are using the ideas for fundraising found in Fundraising Coach Marc A. Pitman's fundraising book "Ask Without Fear!" and non profit training from the Fundraising Coach website.
Friday, January 25, 2013
FundRaising Success Magazine: Sleepless in 2013?
Last October, we were on a panel discussing what we thought nonprofits should focus on in 2013. You can read our thoughts here:
Sleepless in 2103?
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Fundraising Coach on charities, donations, & fundraising on WGY radio
The site describes the show as:
A look at charities from the point of view of Marc Pitman, a man who makes a living helping nonprofits raise money. With so many organizations looking for help it’s hard to choose where and when to give. Pitman says you should go with your gut but also gives advice on how to look up financial information about charities. He cautions that the financial ledger doesn’t tell the whole story: good charities often spend more on fund-raising when they are starting up. He also discusses how much CEO’s should make leading charities and takes apart the idea of "restricted" giving. Pitman has written a book "Ask Without Fear."
Read more:
You can hear it here:
Friday, October 12, 2012
The Fundraising Coach in Time
That post was picked up by Time. You can read it here at:
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Fundraising Seminar in Lewiston, Maine

Today I'll be holding an "Ask Without Fear!" fundraising training in Lewiston, Maine.
It's from 11:00 to 1:15 and open to both Chamber members and non-members.
I'm sure you can pay at the door but since lunch is included with the price please call so they can have enough food.
Call them at (207) 783-2249 to register or find out more about pricing and location at:
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Fundraising Coach article in AFP Top Ten...Again!
For 2 of the 3 years, has had white papers in the top ten.
Of the more than 200 whitepapers, Marc's article making a case for social media for nonprofit fundraisers was the #5 most popular among AFP members in 2011.
Read if for yourself at on the AFP exchange or read it in the "articles" section at!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Free Webinar TOMORROW: Finish Strong
I'm doing a free webinar tomorrow as part of Blackbaud's "Finish Strong" series of webinars.
I'll share 3 things you can do to make the most of year end giving.
Hope you can join! Click here for more info:
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Fundraising Coach honored as one of Maine's first ever "40 under Forty"
Last month, Maine Today Media announced that Marc A. Pitman was one of the Maine's top 40 leaders under the age of forty.
40 under 40 recognition is familiar in more populated areas, but this was the first time it was ever offered in Maine. Honorees were chosen from recommendations that came in from all over the state.
In a recent interview, Marc said, "I'm incredibly honored. And I just squeaked by! I turn 40 in January!"
Click on the image to read the profile they compiled from the interview with Marc.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Fundraising Training in KY and TN
I'm thrilled to be on the road this week!
Tomorrow and Wednesday, I'll be in Bowling Green doing a training with folks from the Western Kentucky University alumni relations & annual giving team! We're going to have a powerful 24 hours together!
Then on Thursday I'll be in Chattanooga keynoting and doing breakout sessions at the Tennessee Valley Institute for Nonprofit Excellence!
Let me know if you're in those areas! It'd be great to see if we could connect.
For more information on my fundraising training and keynote speaking, go to
Friday, July 1, 2011
Why I'm jumping on the Google+ bandwagon - post at
Over at, I share 5 reasons I'm jumping on the Google+ bandwagon.
You can read the entire article at:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Free fundraising ideas & strategy - Nonprofit Goodies Giveaway
June, July, and August can be a great time to learn and reassess your program! (I almost said "summer" but then realized it isn't summer for those of you below the equator!)
So five of us have gotten together to giveaway books and webinars that will help you. Just go to to see what each of us is offering.
You'll see terrific resources from
- Lori Jacobwith,
- Pamela Grow,
- Sandy Rees, and
- Sherry Truhlar.
Hurry, these nonprofit goodies are only available until June 30.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Fundraising Training in Rhode Island
On Monday, June 20, I'll be joining Simone Joyaux and Tom Ahearn in a cool training in Rhode Island. In the afternoon, we'll be training staff in all manner of fundraising. Then, in the evening, we'll be doing a condensed training for board members.
I'm really excited about how these nonprofits will be impacted when staff and board members get together to compare notes! If you're in the Providence area, I hope you'll join us!
FMI: go to the AFP-RI events page here.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Ask Without Fear DVD in Fundraising Success Magazine
I'm thrilled to have been interviewed in this month's Fundraising Success Magazine in title called "Making an Ask? Get R.E.A.L.!" (I love that title!)
Check it out. I talk about sales calls and overcoming objections! :)
The article is at Making an Ask? Get R.E.A.L.!.
I'm committed to making it ridiculously easy for people to get fundraising training. This DVD and Resource CD is part of that. And now, if you buy the DVD you get a free lifetime membership to the online video site! Check it out at