I am pleased to announce that Greg Baldwin, founder of
VolunteerMatch.org will be my guest Tuesday on the
Ask Without Fear Radio Show!
Join us as we talk about volunteering, something that will become increasingly important as donors feel the economic slow down, and creative ideas on how to fundraise for a nonprofit that wants to do for volunteering what eBay did for yardsales. Click on
BlogTalkRadio.com at 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 25 to join in the fun. This is a LIVE show so be prompt!
You can listen be either:
- going to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marcapitman or
- calling the calling (347) 996-5931.
The show is free but if you choose to call, your telephone company will charge the same long distance charges that you'd pay to call your Aunt Ethel in NYC. I hope you can listen in!
Feel free to send me any questions you have for Greg by simply replying to this email.
The show will be recorded so you can listen to it anytime you want. The link will also be available at: