2011 is almost here! Don't "settle for" New Year Resolutions that will be abandoned before the end of January. Join us on Thursday, December 30 at 1 p.m. EST for a free Goal Setting Mastermind call.
I'll be teaching on goalsetting. But I hope you'll bring your ideas and tips too. And, I'll do some live coaching by helping one attendee actually map out a goal using the "Goals Road Map."
All for free.
Use this form to sign up and get the call in information:
News about how nonprofits are using the ideas for fundraising found in Fundraising Coach Marc A. Pitman's fundraising book "Ask Without Fear!" and non profit training from the Fundraising Coach website.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
New learning community for nonprofits and charities: 501 Mission Place

Today, Chris Brogan announced the official launch of 501 Mission Place, a learning community for nonprofit executives.
In his blog post, Chris says:
Our goal is to grow 501 Mission Place into a community of practitioners and helpful specialists. There are many great nonprofit projects and communities out there, and we hope you belong to more than one. Ours, we hope, is a way to practice and learn throughout the year...
If you’re not in a nonprofit or charity, but you’re friends with someone who is, please consider passing on this post. We’re hoping to be helpful to those who want to grow their efforts and build new tools in a community of learning and practice.
But don't take our word for it, check it out yourself by heading over to 501 Mission Place!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day of Giving: Free copies of Ask Without Fear! today only

In that spirit, I'm giving away free copies of Ask Without Fear!. You just pay the shipping.
Just go to www.FundraisingCoach.com/Store and in the cart use the code: 140conf
Sshh: That code will actually take $14.95 off anything in the store. But it's good today only!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Webinar: Fundraising in the Bible

Did you know the Bible contains stories of like Moses, David, Hezekiah, and even Paul all asked for money?
If you're involved in raising money for a Christian organization, ministry, or church - including fundraising for your own missionary support - this seminar will help you!
You can join either through your computer or by phone. But hurry, space is limited! To learn more, and to register for the webinar, go to the Fundraising in the Bible page
christian fundraising,
fundraising training
Monday, September 20, 2010
1 week only: 501 Videos "How to Find & Cultivate Donors" 1/2 Off

I've long been a fan of 501 Videos and Movie Mondays. I'm such a fan, I'm an affiliate. I really believe these videos are so packed with practical, actionable information, that you'd have to work hard to not benefit from them!
Now they're offering their terrific 3 DVD set How to Find & Cultivate Donors for half off.
You get the three DVDs but 501 Videos is throwing in 3 more bonus DVDs, including the popular The 10 Best Movies for Helping You Make the Ask.
You can read all about the offer, and the content of the 6 DVDs, at on their page:
How to Find & Cultivate Donors
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Good Day NY, Steven Slater, and Marc Pitman on career stress
What a week! I was on Fox Boston on Tuesday, Fox's national The Strategy Room on Wednesday, and Good Day NY today!
Fundraising, political analysis, and career coaching all in one week! I love it.
Here's a clip of today's segment on Good Day NY on Steven Slater and stress in the workplace. (Remember, I do have an MA in Leadership and I am a Franklin Covey Coach! *grin*)
Fundraising, political analysis, and career coaching all in one week! I love it.
Here's a clip of today's segment on Good Day NY on Steven Slater and stress in the workplace. (Remember, I do have an MA in Leadership and I am a Franklin Covey Coach! *grin*)
fundraising coach news,
workplace expert
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Interview on Fox 25 Boston this morning!
This morning I had the privilege of being interviewed about my fundraising book Ask Without Fear! by Gene Lavanchy on Fox 25 Boston's morning show.
Here the clip!
Here the clip!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Fox 25 Boston

If you're in the Boston area, I hope you'll tune in!
fundraising coach news,
social media
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Special Offer: Movie Mondays Pro

If you love 501 Videos free Movie Mondays you'll love Movie Mondays Pro [affiliate link]. They're calling it the "world's largest collection of fundraising professionals on video." And I believe them.
If your not familiar with Movie Mondays, check out a this week's free movie called Nervous About Making the Ask - and How to Overcome it. (I especially love the story about the teenage son!)
A subscription to Movie Mondays Pro will give you unlimited access to the more than 100 movies created so far. That's the combined experience of over 95 fundraising professionals at your finger tips.
I'm a member. And I think you'll benefit from joining. For more information go to the Movie Mondays Pro page.
(I'd hurry. The site is still being built now. I bet the prices will go up onces the other sections are finished.)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Fundraising Coach in "Top 6 Guides to Effective Fundraising"
I was honored to find my name listed with Nancy Schwartz's Top 6 Guides to Effective Fundraising.
Go look at her list, but then dive into the comments. There are many more amazing resources listed in those!
Go look at her list, but then dive into the comments. There are many more amazing resources listed in those!
fundraising blogs,
fundraising training
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Marc in Kansas AND San Antonio

So I'm pleased that I'll be able to share an entire day on April 8th in Phillipsburg, KS with the members of the Kansas Main Street programs for the Kansas Department of Commerce.
We'll be covering:
- Fundraising Basics
- Asking Without Fear!
- andWho's Telling Your Story?
Participants will get everything from a basic fundraising program for the year, to confidence asking for big gifts, to incredibly effective marketing ideas! What a full day!
Then I fly on to San Antonio, TX to share a keynote with the San Antonio Chapter of AFP on April 9!
To register, go to:
The trainings were a blast. And check out the really cool graphic the Kansas marketing folks created for the training!

fundraising seminar,
fundraising training
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"Ask Without Fear!" featured in New Zealand's Tonic Magazine!

It's wonderful to see how far Ask Without Fear! is traveling!
This month it was featured in Tonic Magazine, put out by the very cool New Zealand fundraising training firm Exult.
If you happen to be in New Zealand in November 2010, check out Exult's website. They're booking me for four trainings around the country!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Skowhegan Rotary 3/2 at noon

I'm honored to be presenting my "Ask Without Fear in 20 minutes" at the Skowhegan Rotary Club on Tuesday, March 2 at noon.
Apparently, they meet at the Heritage House.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Special Olympics - South Carolina

I'm thrilled to be one of the presenters at the Special Olympics South Carolina Annual Leadership Conference in Myrtle Beach. I'll be teaching on using social media (like Twitter and Facebook) in fundraising.
If you're around this weekend, I hope we can connect!
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