Friday, October 12, 2012

The Fundraising Coach in Time

Last week Marc's post on how PBS could leverage the presidential debate's reference to Big Bird to raise millions.

That post was picked up by Time. You can read it here at:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fundraising Seminar in Lewiston, Maine

Fundraising Training at the Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce

Today I'll be holding an "Ask Without Fear!" fundraising training in Lewiston, Maine.

It's from 11:00 to 1:15 and open to both Chamber members and non-members.

I'm sure you can pay at the door but since lunch is included with the price please call so they can have enough food.

Call them at (207) 783-2249 to register or find out more about pricing and location at:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fundraising Coach article in AFP Top Ten...Again!

Since 2009, the Association of Fundraising Professionals International ranks the most popular white papers on it's site.

For 2 of the 3 years, has had white papers in the top ten.

Of the more than 200 whitepapers, Marc's article making a case for social media for nonprofit fundraisers was the #5 most popular among AFP members in 2011.

Read if for yourself at on the AFP exchange or read it in the "articles" section at!